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Ready to start your sauna journey? Take it slow in the beginning. 'You then remove the clothing immediately following the sauna before rising off.” “I've even recommended being fully clothed when taking a sauna to allow the clothing to absorb the sweat,' says Melanie Keller, N.D., a naturopathic doctor.

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You don't have to get totally naked to enjoy a sauna session either. Regardless of which you choose, make sure to follow any directions in setup and use. Less expensive saunas are portable tent-like structures. More expensive saunas tend to be ones that you construct within your home or outdoors. In the US, at-home sauna setups can range from around $100 to thousands of dollars depending on your choices. It’s not uncommon for coworkers to bond in a sauna the way workers in the United States hit happy hour, and many homes are built with an at-home sauna. In Finland and other Scandinavian countries, the sauna has a culturally significant role.

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People use saunas for different reasons, whether at home, in the spa, or in a gym locker room. It offers benefits to your skin, body, and mood.

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And sauna-which can be used as both a noun and a verb-doesn't just feel good. Packed with physical and mental benefits, a sauna routine can be amazing.

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